Oh Rose. She's not doing well at all. I have been praying for her EVERYDAY. But she is very set on the fact that she prayed and God told her that the church is not true. But I hope that one day she will come around. It's actually really sad. The retention rate for the recent converts in this ward is incredibly low. :( But miracle! We've been trying to find a recent convert named Munah. She's actually probably illegal here, and just lost her apartment and her phone so we had no idea how to find her. She was missing for 3 weeks and has a desperate need to embrace the healing of the atonement. So as we were praying and praying to find her and searching in all the apartment buildings where her friends live, we FINALLY found her! It was such a miracle and she was able to come to church on Sunday, and hopefully will be able to continue to come and build her conversion.
Also, coolest story ever, once upon a time I was with my old companion at the library and we met a cute Chinese lady named Fayefay. We striked (initiated a conversation to get to know her) and talked a little about the gospel, got down her phone number and gave her the address to the church. 2 months later we called her up Saturday and left a message inviting her to church. Sunday comes around and she arrives at church! And is ridiculously emotional the entire time. After, I talked to her for a little bit and she just broke down saying that her family life is awful and she doesn't know what to do, she feels so lost and is looking for guidance so she decided to come and then said, "I know I need to get home, but I just don't want to leave, I don't understand this feeling that I have." It was the most touching thing I have ever witnessed. I just started crying realizing how much God was aware of her and knew that she needed the peace in this gospel! We gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a time to visit with her and she said, "I'll go home and read it right now!" Ahh cute little Fayefay. I just cannot believe how aware God is of each of us. It's completely crazy. And overwhelming that we have the opportunity to be his hands in providing the relief and knowledge that people are starving for. Missionary work is so good. I can't imagine how anything could possibly live up to the greatness of life that I have seen here.
Oh hey. We went and visited another less active, and they had a screaming mat just like ours! And I totally wigged out! Dang Halloween. It makes me so jumpy because I keep expecting spiders to pop out everywhere!
We went to the ward's Halloween party on Sunday. It doesn't quite match up to our wards party but it was really cool, and we got a lot of investigators out to it! Another miracle is that we finally taught 30 lessons this week! I have set that as a goal when I first came here, and it finally happened! I love having people to teach and bring closer to the gospel!
Missionary work is so good. I love it so much. Every single week I think that it can't get any better but then it does. This really is God's work, and there are so many miracles every single day. The church is true!
love, sister terry!
Once upon a time I was strolling through the woods and we thought that we would go all twilight and take cool pictures next to trees. However, as I was running back to pull a pose I thought it would be a great idea to change it to a jungle tree swinging picture. So I jump and grab hold of the tree, my toes tingling with excitement at this great success that it would be.... and the tree broke. And thus this picture was born. Enjoy.
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