Hola Mi Famila!
How is it going? How is Utah? Thanks for all the emails and letters! I can definitely feel the support, love, and prayers for me and I'm so grateful!
So I suppose you know that I made it to Minnesota! Hooray! And I am called to work in a town called Eden Prairie! It's pretty rad, I must say! The people are so amazing and so nice! I joke you not, it's the nicest place I've ever been to. Even people who aren't members offer us water, and good luck while we go tracting!
But first of all, CONFERENCE! I just want to add my opinion to President Monson's when he said that the Sunday morning session was one of the most spiritually uplifting sessions ever! I felt the spirit so strong, and was able to have so many prayers answered! It was so cool that they talked about marriage between a man and woman, Here in Minnesota they are very pro gay marriage. One of our investigators had a question about our stance on the subject and turns out I am not very good at being bold when it comes down to it! But we prayed that we would know how to answer her without offending, but also without being timid about God's law. She was able to watch that session of conference though, and it completely answered her question! Best thing ever! I'm so glad God is aware of his children and gives us what we need! And most of all I LOVED President Monson's talk! I felt like such an idiot, cause I was crying so hard but I felt the spirit so strong and he talked about his best friend, and wife and also the importance of enduring. I can't even imagine what he's going through, but I know that he's put his trust in God and it's helped him through these tough times and it can certainly help me as well!
Besides watching conference, I basically adjusted to missionary life out in the field. First off, my companion is Sister Mansfield. She's awwwwwwwwesome! I love her so much! She's from Idaho and she's been out here 14 months! So basically she's pro. Which is good, cause I came out here ready to teach and commit people to baptism but there's one problem. People don't respond the way they did at the MTC! hahah it was definitely a humbling experience when I realized that I am a noob and that bearing testimony is a rather difficult thing to do.
I really miss Sister Davis, and the other people in my district. But hopefully I get to see them SOON! they were all so great! Especially my companion. I know that somehow we're going to be companions again and we'll rock the socks off of the Minnesota people!
So embarrassing story, the first day where we met with our new companions and with the mission president I saw quite a familiar face! Alex Caskey is in this mission! I was SO surprised to see him, and I felt like the worst friend ever since I totally went to his farewell but then forgot that this is where he went! ahh so dumb. But I talked to him a bit, and it definitely reminded me of the good ol' cross country times. And on the bright side, he's training one of the coolest people ever from my district! SO I'm super happy about that!
I'm so thankful to be on a mission though, and I'm thankful for all those people who got me here! Not a day goes by that I don't use something that one of my leaders has taught me. I might not have fully appreciated their testimonies, and teaching back then, but I totally realize how everything they have said has prepared me to be here and to be the best missionary that I can be!
Mission life is SO cool! It's amazing how much you can learn every day, and how each day is an opportunity to come closer to God! This really is the Lord's work and I'm so thankful I can be an instrument in helping bring souls unto Christ.
Speaking of bringing souls, we have a BAPTISM!! I'm so excited! Her name is Trinity, and she's probably the coolest person I've ever met! Her baptism is this Saturday, and I'm so glad that I've been able to meet her and share my testimony about baptism. She was already preparing for baptism before I arrived, so pretty much I'm just the last leg of the race who gets to bring it home. It's nice though, and hopefully we'll be able to find more investigators who are ready to hear the gospel!
Mostly, we talk to the less actives, and try to help them understand the importance of enduring to the end. Although they've been baptized and repented of their sins it's not over! It's so heartbreaking to hear about how they were so strong in the gospel but then they forget the amazing things that God has done for them and how blessed they are. Hopefully the Holy Ghost will be able to testify to them the importance of going to church and reading the scriptures.
I love you all!! Hope you are having a fantastic time in UTAH!!
Sister Terry
Sister Davis, some elders, Sister Terry--MTC |
Sisters Terry and Davis--they're not in Utah anymore |
Sisters Terry, Davis, Gesel, Shumway at the Provo Temple |